If you know six men…one of them has likely experienced sexual abuse in his lifetime. Historically, men and boys have not shared feelings and emotions as honestly or freely as women in our society. Whether this hesitancy to discuss how we feel is due to childhood family and cultural dynamics, or what we may see as society’s expectation of us as males, the results are the same.
When childhood sexual abuse is added to this equation, we become experts at keeping secrets. Because of this general lack of willingness to be perceived as weak, or somehow less than a man, we’ve also failed to ask for what we need. We’ve failed to take care of ourselves, and as a result, mental health resources for male survivors are hard to find. If they’re out there, we have to search and dig and root them out.
Your Opportunity
You’ll be on the front line with us, and your generous support will help ensure that when a male survivor reaches out, we’ll be there to help. As a supporting member of this community, you’ll receive monthly updates on our work and details on how your donation or pledge is helping us make a difference in men’s lives.
We’d love to hear from you!
Feel free to contact us with any questions OR if you can’t find the resources you need on our list. You’ll also receive our monthly email with news and updates on the work we’re doing.
We are a 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is tax deductible.